We arrived back safely in Newfoundland. We kind of had a whirlwind tour while in Ontario although we were able to get lots of things taken care of.
It felt like we were in the tropics when in Ontario. It was so warm and everything was so lush. It would have been nice to have had a longer visit (especially with my new precious nephew Reuben).
Well, we were welcomed back to Newfoundland with a little different temperatures than Ontario. I think it was 2 degrees. The weather hasn't improved much but according to the locals, spring is sure taking its time. We have learned not to let the weather get us down. It is rather freeing! We try to take what comes, work on projects that best suit and dress in layers. When the sun does come out it sure is intense. I'm constantly stripping off layers and putting them on again.
Traditional Newfoundland Grub??
The fire department stopped by for a fundraiser. They were very proud of the spread they put together that morning. Well, Umm, Ahh, it looks a little scary. I didn't know that mashed potatoes could come in so many different colours. We would have preferred just giving them the the money and passing on the lunch spread but we didn't have the heart to tell them this.
Ted was the adventurous one, I took a pass. He is still alive so thats a relief. We haven't been able to get used to some of the Newfoundland staples. Shopping has been a test. If you don't get in the store the day the specials start, they are out of stock for the rest of the week. Fresh veggies are almost double the price as in Ontario and milk only comes in cartons. Fresh Deli bread is non existent. Its not as bad if we can make a trip to Gander (one hour away) although, our work schedule does not make it easy to get away. Its good that we make our meals from scratch.
Our Progress Report
This past week we have been spending a lot of time finishing off projects that we had started and working on doing the electrical. Our neighbour is an electrician so he is giving us guidance and we are doing all the labour. We are now ready to pull wire on Monday. This past weekend we worked on the deck. We were both getting a bit discouraged with our progress and not having much to show for our work so we thought it would be good to work on something that gave us some results.
Ted had the window sills and stops all painted and he was putting windows in today. Sure makes working indoors a lot less windy. It will be nice when we have a stormy cold day and we can be "indoors" working....luxury.
Thats it..you're going to the doghouse!
Sometimes you just have to take the time to do things that are important. For us, this was making a dog house out of scrap material we had.
Its funny that Crosbie is in the house in this picture because now he won't go in it at all. Ted has been getting up each night to let Iris out because she is getting older and needing to pee. Now, she has a nice cozy house and she can go outside whenever she wants to. Ted is getting more sleep too. We are all happy with the arrangement.
The house is now painted the same colour as the store and when we have time (maybe the fall..haha) I'll put a few shingles on it.
Let me tell you, this house, went up in seconds compared with our new construction. Only a few hours work.
So, until next time, take care "der boy".. All the best "my love"..
yep, dat der is a beaut! eh.