Leveling our gravel pad
Now we can get a better idea of what our building is going to look like. We have the gravel all leveled and our plumbing is in. We just have to bury our electrical conduit and water lines. Once we lay the plastic vapour barrier and wire mesh we will be ready for the concrete.
Tentatively, the concrete is coming on Monday. It is supposed to rain but be warm. We'll see how the day looks. We can change our order on Monday morning to Tuesday.
We asked Derrick (the guy excavating) if there was someone that finishes concrete (power trowel etc.). He told us that the guys name was Ardy Roberts and that we'd find his name in the phone book. So, off we go and try and find his name but no Ardy. A while later it hit me that they don't pronounce their "h" here on the island so I suggested we try looking up Hardy Roberts. Sure enough, there is was. Just an example of the hurdles we have here with regards to the language barrier. We had quite a laugh about this one.
The Inspector

The Inspector
Our neighbour, Nelson, decided to wander over and check out our progress. We told him he should be wearing his white hat. He says not to take advice from anyone. "Everyone puts in their two bits". We'll have to filter through the advice. Derrick gave us quite a bit of advice but he knows what he's doing so we feel its "safe advice".
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